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UiPath Studio

Intuitive environment where anybody can model automation visually, without scripting, without code. A powerful recorder literally builds automation by watching you work and a rich library of template activities will get you moving at an exceptional speed and ease.

UiPath Orchestrator

A highly scalable server platform, Orchestrator deploys and manages your entire workforce, handling all the critical enterprise duties: release management, centralized logging, reporting, auditing and monitoring, remote control, scheduling, workload management and asset management.

UiPath Robots

The UiPath Robot can take the role of an automated assistant running efficiently by your side, under supervision or it can quietly and autonomously process all the high-volume work that does not require constant human intervention.

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RPA robots are capable of mimicking many–if not most–human user actions. They log into applications, move files and folders, copy and paste data, fill in forms, extract structured and semi-structured data from documents, scrape browsers, and more.

  • Log into any application
  • Copy and paste data
  • Move files and folders
  • Extract information from emails, spreadsheets and PDF documents
  • Read and write to databases
  • Scrape data from the web
  • Make calculations
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